Sunday, 31 March 2013

Worst line EVER

So its been a while since a bloke kinda liked me so it was a fairly nice surprise last night when one at the Dog races we were at came over, started talking to me and giving me a bit of attention.

It quickly realised he had enjoyed a few bevies but for the most part he was quite nice. A couple of his friends joined him, me and my friends. All was going quite well until he starts telling me his mum died of Cancer and then he got really sad.

So we got the talking about my aunt having it and Danny a few years back. I even told him about Gavins book Waiting in the Wings. Our conversation navigated to the idea of an afterlife - a conversation area I must admit from my experiences made me more confident to talk.

Anyway then he looks like he was going to start crying and he disappeared to the toilets. I'm thinking oh shit. I've really upset him, Ive wrecked everything. He disappears there for quite a while so I mention it to one of his friends, tell them he told me about his mother and maybe they should check on him.

They tell me his mother is alive and well. None of them know nothing about this. Seriously.

Then he comes back and puts his arm round me, whispering thank you and I needed to talk and your lovely before grabbing my head and trying to stick his tongue down my throat.

WHY????? WHY WHY WHY do some men do things like that???? It was all a line to make me sympathetic to him so he could move in for whatever he could get.

It just made me feel so stupid and disgusted. Cancer is SERIOUS. People die, people suffer. You don't use it to manipulate other people. What a creep :(

And once more my confidence and faith in there being any nice blokes out there takes a dent AGAIN.

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