Thursday 24 January 2013

Cyber bullying

So I was just sat here listening to the glee cast sing "I can't go for that/ you make my dreams come true," with my Lil Wil Plushie - I'm not kidding. Heres proof!

Also here's the youtube vid in case ya all fancy a listen - its awesome how Darren Criss still remains incredibly hot despite the tash and hair but I am digressing. And I have no idea why I would put Wil Wheaton together with a glee song but hey my mind cleary as awesome as it is works in mysterious ways .........

But I am digressing from the original point of my post. Cyber Bullying.

I want to tell you about recent events on one of my startrek simm games where I encountered a bit of an online bully. We wrote a rather disastrous JP (Geek speak that's a Joint post ..) and I was very uncomfortable with it. His character is always written very angry so I tried to have my character be more assertive. This was a mistake and it descended into .... well it was awful. The other chaps character was relentlous, insulting and just plain angry IC (Geek speak translation - In Character).

I had a minor freak out - I was that upset I actually pulled the plug on the JP and deleted it telling the other chap quite pathetically he was pretty mean. The thing with simming is you create something and its important to you. You get emotionally involved with your characters and in my case, mine was getting relentiously attacked.

He immediately fired me a PM (Geek speak - personal message) not happy about that at all so I went back and apologised for my rashness. We also had a little squabble about spelling and grammar. I had changed a couple of his really badly spelt words to read correctly. I stupidly hadn't figured out he was actually this horrible OOC (Geek speak - out of character or IRL - in real life). 

The next thing I know I got a PM back which was threatening and intimidating - he wanted personal information about me or refused to communicate. He then said he accepted my apology but ripped into me about the spelling thing again. Then when I PM'd him back how disrespectful it all was he went behind my back and started harassing another player on IM (Geek speak - instant messenger) for information on me.

Theres NO need for this sort of behaviour. So just a warning folks - there are bad angry people out there and if you meet one of them DO NOT take it. Our simm is a PG13. So teenagers can play. I cannot imagine how a 13 year old would have coped with this chap. I'm 32 and he upset me. Cyber bullying is just as real as proper bullying. And its something that needs nipping in the bud.

And nip it in the bud I did. I immediately had words with our CO (Geek speak - commanding officer i.e. the Captain of our simm) and the offending player has now been removed.

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