Saturday 10 September 2011

Whats in a song?

I have never been big into music. I say that as I have friends who just live for music, they go to loads of gigs, worship certain singers. I have a new friend that actually has a band. My dad was in several growing up but I've never been that type of person.

I have come to appreciate music more in the last few months. My quest to learn some piano. Its going slowly but its fun. And it dawns on me now music isn't just about melodies and songs, its a sound track of your life.

There are those songs that resonate inside you and you need to take note of the lyrics. Sometimes I think they are subcosciously inside you already. Theres a song by Mr Big that both intrigues and tortures me. And theres a history behind that.

Right now Im up at stupid o clock, worrying and over analysing things. I didn't set out to do this right now and despite a little blip a couple of weeks ago in which I was worried about a family member I was doing really well on the whole not doing all this kind of thing. Infact sleep has just been amazing the last few months.

I guess my subconscious mind is once again reflecting and processing what it needs to get out of its system.

Okay thats a lie. A big fat lie. Why do I do that? I always try hide something under some psychobabble.

I know what its stressing about but I already tryed to address that issue earlier and got hit by a big fat wall of silence. Thats the worst thing anyone can inflict on me. A new friend of mine would no doubt say I'm being overly dramatic, and its because I didn't get the reaction I wanted. Yeah thats true too but having silence inflicted on me - its my Kryptonite.

At least if you talk about something that communication means there is a chance to address it, sort it out. Silence just leaves it hanging there and your powerless to make any changes.

And as Im not superman and Lois Lane or Jimmy Olsen isn't going to miraculously appear and throw it out of the way so I can get my strength back, Im going to wallow in Elton John for a bit instead.

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