Saturday 13 August 2011


I seem to be really on a roll with the blog posts today. I think meeting up with my highly creative friend earlier has sparked a fire in me to attempt to let out more of my thoughts and creativity! That can only be a good thing!

And in putting up all my piano vids, I was compelled to find out more about Mr Spitznagel (cantina rag - a few posts back) and I discovered he had a blog. Naturally when I come across anyone particually interesting I have a read up. And when I come across someone else who also keeps a blog - well thats even better. I had a noisy . . . .

Not only does this man play piano spectaculously exhibit B (A is the starwars cantina vid already posted)

Yes its the muppets and I love them. Naturally such a cool version of a muppets classic had to be shared . . . . but he also writes some pretty interesting stuff. I really felt the need to share the below views on friendship as it was really interesting to me and I think Mr Spitznagel has hit the nail on the head.

As I am really crap with technology and have no clue how to link this post to sed gentlemans blog - I tryed to click follow the blog and something about RSS feeds????? popped up. No clue . . . .the jargon scared me!  So an ole copy and paste did the job instead. I hope thats okay and I haven't broken some sort of sharing bloggers link rule Im not aware of. Anyway Im babbling. This is the part of the post that interested me:

Friendship comes out of nowhere, grows inexplicably, and has the potential to delight and devastate you like nothing else on the planet. If friendship was a plant, it'd be illegal and we'd have to buy it from the guy who stands outside the fence by the tennis courts.
I've been thinking a lot about friendship recently. It's kind of a weird thing, if you ask me. The ideal friendship involves two people who share an equal amount of respect and affection for each other, but if you think about this, it's crazy talk. How can you possibly expect someone with an entirely separate set of life experiences, hopes, goals, moods, and dreams to be able to reliably love you in the way that you need them to? It's like relying on an electric motor with two magnets that may or may not attract or repel one another on a given day. When it runs, great. But what about when it stops running?
Friendship is celestial
Friendship is celestial
Some friendships grow slowly over time, a planet accreting into a sphere under the gravity of shared experiences, while other friendships, Big Bang Friendships, explode into a galaxy in the first few minutes and feel you feel like you've found a shard of yourself. No matter how they're formed, both take work to sustain and, if left to wither untended, sustained only by inertia and the memory of hotter days, you wake up one day and realize they died. The magnetism is gone.
It's not really one thing that kills a friendship, is it? It's the myriad miniature hurts and minor slights, the diaspora of disappointments and the steady rhythm of resignations. It's the you-never-call-me's and the you-weren't-there-when-I-needed-you's, the where-were-you's and the I-can't-talk-about this's. They're like cavities that turn the inside of the tooth to powder.

Martin Spitznagel - Ive just had a thought perhaps all I needed to do to link it was put that address in???? Oh well . . 

Anyway as I said, just something interesting to think about . . . . .

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Debs! It's thrilling for me to think that there are folks like yourself all around the globe who get a kick out what I do at the piano. Thanks again, and keep playing!
