Saturday 15 September 2012

Sinbad Ep 3

I loved this episode. I think this is where I started to feel the show and the characters properly. House of games. It kicks of with a nice boat race - Sinbad and Gunnar naturally whooping the other boats ass with the providence. Nala was not overly impressed and told them both off for being boy races. Cooks kitchen got knocked about and he let out a little roar of frustration.

Turns out our merry band need supplies so they pull into a port and discover actually there's nothing there. Hilariously the boat they were racing pulls in and its a rich dude with tons of food. Our bods have to eat humble pie.

Rina, while everyone is trying to talk mr sour loser rich guy into giving them some food decides to rob them, turn tail and run off. Cook catches her but doesn't bother to stop her, merely hitting her with one of his brilliant lines "Little fox cannot change her nature."

The rich man says if they give him something of value he will give the crew food. They go back and realise Rina is gone.

Anwar does an Anwar - this my new section hehe. Silly Anwar barters the boats. Naturally this does not go down with the others. To his credit he did what he thought was right to save them. He apologises and Sinbad comes clean to him about the curse.

The group follow the rich man to the palace of games, stealing some table clothes to tart themselves up. This is a magical gambling house hosted by 2 twins - bit of a fanty and mingo feeling from Firefly on this one and a man with no eyes.

Sinbad convinces Nala to let him beat her hair butterfly clip thing in an attempt to win back the boat. He loses. So our hero pulls out the big guns, accuses the hosts of using croaked dice and they flip a coin to see if he can play one more game although he has nothing to wager. Luck is on their side and they are allowed into the high rollers room where the rich bloke is.

Before they go in through Rina arrives posing as Lady Samara and dressed like well I can only describe it as someone from a final fantasy game. Her hair all flicked up and weird makeup. The dress is nice though! The gang are non to pleased to see her and despite taking some obvious digs at her don't give her away.

Sinbad easily beats the other guy and they win the ship back. Suddenly the twins are treating them like honored guests.

Romantic action - Rina and Anwar are definitely making some eyes across the room at each other. So perhaps the Sinbad/Rina pairing isn't happening? He goes over and they have a slightly charged conversation.

Gunnar decides he doesn't like the place. Elliot Cowan has some brilliant facial expressions, especially when looking at a big pile of glasses of something pink. He decides to leave and gets magicked away somewhere.

Sinbad somewhat seduced on his good luck streak gets suckered into another game when the twins decide he can't leave. He has to rescue everyone in some bizarre spinning circle with lots of doors. The curse is also kicking in at this point. He manages to rescue everyone and Rina gets him out in the nick of time.

Sinbad is choking, Anwar explains the curse and they leave to get him on the boat. Rina hestitates but Anwar flirts "Lady Samara your ship awaits." Ep 3 ends with Sinbad coming clean about the curse to all and cook stating that "Little fox has found a pack to run with."

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