Sunday 16 September 2012

Sinbad Ep 4

This was quite a creepy ep. Sinbad and the crew are stuck in the ocean. Theres no wind, no land just heat and when its night cold. They have run out of supplies and are having to survive on a tiny amount of water. It seems to be a running them that our merry band run out of food! Surprisingly they are not coping too well, poor cook seems to be suffering the worse having full on hallucinations.

Cook sees a ship but they put it off as being a mirage from their condition until in the evening Rina spots it too. Theres a lantern light on it. Rina and Sinbad row over (it seems only Sinbad and our scrappy thief were brave enough. Gunnar wanted nothing to do with it!) All they find is a rotting wedding feast and an old man strangly alive.

They bring him back and his name turns out to be Anicetus played brilliantly by Timothy Spall. Anicentus creeps out Gunnar who starts flashing back to some of the atrocities from his viking days. You can see Nala has a lot on her mind too. Anwar talks to him and finds someone with a lot of knowledge. He seems the most comfortable with him.

Rina and Anwar - sat very close together while telling stories to try keep their minds.

During this Sinbad has a vision in the fire and see's his brother.

Romantic Action - Surprisingly its not our hero this week. It seems that Anicetus turns out to be Death and even more freaky Nala's betrothed. Her people made a deal a long time ago that one of them would marry death to save their people and Nala got the nasty end of that straw.

In her cabin she pulls out a spectacular wedding outfit. I have to say all of Nala's clothes are fabulous. She gets dressed, goes to Anicetus - presumingly working out its him keeping the Providence in the state it is at the moment and she goes with him to fulfill her obligation and save the rest. Also to see her father again.

Gunnar is epic - Finally, our warrior gets his grove back and him and Sinbad go after Nala. And rescue her. From Death!!!! There was a nice scene involving butterflies and death's ship pretty much disappearing meaning all our sexy cast drop into the ocean. Any excuse to get them wet ehh. Im not complaining.

Sinbad swims down and rescues a sinking Nala. So queue Nala being the love interest??????? Who knows. But as soon as she's back on board the wind sweeps up again and they can sail to safety.

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