Monday 17 September 2012

Sinbad Ep 7

Our hero's sneak back into Basra and find its a changed place. Akbari has murdered his brother and is about  to be crowned king and Taryn has convinced him to bring the old ways back and is liberating secret black temples which are ironically hidden under places of wisdom. She starts destroying scrolls and knowledge.

The crew witness some of this and then Sinbad decides he has to play hero and chases after some guards who are harassing a scholar.

Gunnar is epic -saves Sinbads butt and fights off some guards with total ease. Then berate Sinbad for not sticking to the plan.

The scholar explains whats happened and states that important learner-ed and scientific people are in danger.

Anwar realises as his father is the professor of medicine he needs to get to them and there is a lovely scene where Sinbad tells him to go and bring them back to the ship. More lovely this is Rina suddenly offers to help him. They run off.

Sinbad goes to find his friend who is a guard and was in the pilot episode to find out where Tayrn has his gran.

Big bad - Taryn meanwhile is realising weird shadow beasts that are teleporting people to a cage inside a building somewhere. Gunnar and Sinbad start off to go rescue his gran and Nala keeps guard outside. She is immediatly taken by the shadows.

Rina and Anwar - Some beautiful dialogue. They walk through the streets and Anwar ponders if their paths ever crossed. Rina says not as she would have robbed him. Cut to outside Anwars parents:

Rina: “You must know a back way in. It’s safer.”
Anwar: “Really?”
Rina: “What? You mean you’ve never sneaked in late?”
Anwar: “No!”
Rina: “Typical.” Then she yanks him away to find another way in.

Great scene of Rina jumping into the house with ease and Anwar struggling to get through a window. They are caught by his mother and despite telling his parents of the danger they insist they have lunch first. His mother lets slip Anwar isn't actually a trained doctor only a student and Rina looks mad as hell and storms off. Cuts to her trying to make him see they are acting strange and it turns out they have called the guards who run in and capture Rina.

Anwar does an Anwar - His rescue of Rina is epically funny. He trys to jump on the cage/cart they have her in and just ends up flat on his face. Rina naturally frees herself.

Sinbad meanwhile loses Gunnar - he ends up on the shadows place too. Then he faces off with Akbari. Suddenly both men make up, the curse is broken and Taryn pretty annoyed at that kills Akbari informing him quite darkly that actually over the last few weeks he has been serving her purpose not her his.

Sinbads gran manages in all the hype to smash the stone Taryn has been using to control the shadows freeing Gunnar and Nala and then she dies but not before her and Taryn imply that Sinbad is so much more important and there are things about him we don't know.

The epsiode ends with a total shock. After some brilliant ribbing of Anwars rescue attempt, Nala leaves?????? Not without giving our hero a kiss though. Shocking, so unexpected.

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