Sunday 8 May 2011


So I have spent some time today watching the Green boys vlogbrothers videos from the beginning. Yes I went to the very first upload in which the vlogbrothers started. Everything began 4 years ago, 2007 with something called Brotherhood 2.0. Hank and John decided to no longer communicate textually but by video only every other day back to each other. I am currently at April 12th.

If one of them accidently sends a textual communication they get punished. The punishments are good. John waxed his chin. Seriously he bleed. Twice. Also they set up a bank account fund called against world suck which all donations in it go towards charity. Well Im currently raising money for cancer research with my race for life sponsorship so I think I have for the moment got that quota covered. I don't think I have updated on that - so far £100 raised.

Anyway I think I am getting the gist of what you need to do to be a nerdfighter.

  1. In a very specific video titled "how to become a nerdfigher" the first step is to figure out what kind of nerd fighter you actually are. For instance - John Green (the author brother) is an english literature nerdfighter. Hank however is a magic card game playing nerd fighter. Naturally this got me thinking what am I????? 
Then it hit me Im two kinds of nerdfigher overlapping each other. Firstly I get obsessed with certain books and tv shows (mainly of the sci-fi persuasion) to the point where I have a seriously spooky ability to quote and remember the most bizare things about said shows and I obsessively rewatch and read them. Like how many times have I read the harrypotter series. It can't be healthy but I love those books so much. Secondly in my love of trek over the years I also simm. So that makes me an obsessive scifi TV show/book lover and Trek simmer Nerdfighter. What a mouthful. I might have to acronym that to OSTSBLTSN.

According to Hanks video, step 2 of becoming a nerdfigher is you have to make up some song lyrics about you being a nerdfigher. A theme song if you will. That ones is going to take a little more consideration. There are quite a lot up on youtube so Im going to have a rumage through to gets some ideas there.

As I said I am now up to April 12th and what I have also learnt so far is being a Nerdfighter means - being fun and taking a leaf out of the eyes of a child for instance - i.e. it is cool to put things on your head. Easy, I can do that. I don't tend to do fun stuff, being a boring dedicated responsible caring friend/daughter/sister all the time and worrying about everything so perhaps thats an area I have been going wrong. I need to do more mad fun stuff. Lets give it a shot.

Also you have to be a role model to others but in interesting ways and have a happy dance. Well Im sure I have one Ive just not really clocked that I have one. So now I need something to make me supremely happy and realise that I am dancing so I can suss out my happy dance.

Finally it seems you should be working on challenges. For instance Hank did the song every week one. So I am going to set myself a challenge, not just because I want to feel part of this whole project awesome thing but also as Im fed up of just coming home, sitting down and having the same evening every evening as Im not in a relationship, being excluded and have nadda money.

This challenge is to make my life more interesting and it is to either learn something new or do something new and report back on it everytime I do a new blog post. Hence forth a new section on this blog will be born - the what I did today part, inspired by the vlogbrothers. It can be little things like learn how to order a beer in japanese or bigger things like I don't know cook french toast - which Ive never tried. Just new things to try and you never know I might find something Im really good at or enjoy very much and it take me in a whole new direction.

So my first what I did today:

I have decided to read a different kind of book. I always read scifi or self help - not that the self help is getting me very far lmao. Anyway in excitment of the Apprentice starting again on Tuesday I have decided I will read an autobiography. A proper autobiography - as much as I love the Hoff one I own it was fun and cheesy. No this time a proper serious rags to riches autobiography. So I am going to read Sir Alan Sugars. Now I realise it will probably take me a while to get through it as looking at it now its quite thick. So this will be an ongoing what I did today. I will have try do a chapter everyday or something. BUT its a start.

I open comments up for suggestions of stuff that I can try and do.

Peace out

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