Tuesday 8 March 2011

Fatgirl slim - Couch to 5k

So I am offically starting this programme today. Im just going to have to make myself go to the gym on a weekend as well as its 3 runs. Either that or get my ass up to the park. I have been following Evil bearded tuff guys walk 1 min, jog 1 min programme for 2 weeks now and feeling much better about that. NB - I upgraded him back to Evil as I felt he was laughing at me at the gym last week. I mean Im trying my hardest here and I know I go all red and melt but I look in in that mirror and hes at the other end of the gym staring.

Anyway - I got myself an ipod shuffle have downloaded all the podcasts and will be doing week one tonight which Im envisioning not having too many probs with as its walk 2 mins run 1 min and Ive been doing more than that. Im also loaded some music for when Im on the cross trainer warming up and bike cooling down.

Last night urged by my friend Sahra who has lost a whooping 3 stone and looks amazing - I went along to another one of the gym trainers weekly healthy eating class. This was rather interesting so Im going back next week and have asked him to sort me out an eating plan. I should be eating differenting on training and non-training days. He also took my weight and measured my body fat percentage which was horrible! But thats going to go down. I was disappointed that even though I have been pretty good again on the food front this week the scales only showed 0.3 of a kg loss. I guess I really must be building up some muscle but thats a good thing as learnt from last night it will increase my metabolic rate and make me leaner.

I know I have been pretty crap on the blog front lately and thats due to ILM assignments. Once the course is finished I will post more often. However I will put some thought up about outcasts and being human next time.

Peace out folks!

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